This is exactly how I felt last night (except I was laying in bed reading my book instead of in the kitchen)!
This big huge fly kept buzzing by me and then dive bombing me. It would perch itself on my window ledge (the tall one) and then just stare at me and the dogs. Then it would do a "fly by" (no pun intended) and you could feel and hear it's BUZZZZ BUZZZZ BUZZZ and then it would come back around and do a dive bomb!
I tried swatting at it but I think it was laughing at me. Wally tried to catch it and eat it, but it just squirted itself with steak sause and said to Wally "Nice try Fat Boy" "You'll never catch me"! Bohdan just slept through the whole thing.
I finally turned the light off and went to sleep because it was so distracting I kept losing my place in my book. But needless to say, I slept with my head under the covers. Who wants to wake up to a mouthful of fly!
Signing off: Anita-who is buzzed off
I am so laughing at this post!! Zach burned some food the other day and propped the back door open for who knows how long and I swear I have had a dozen pooping flies all over my house! I hate them and I have had the same feelings of you!!! Damn flies!
P.S. It's home coming this weekend at RMHS!!
I killed 5 in one blow!
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