Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Seven Things You Do Not Know About Me

Monday, September 29, 2008
Memory Sisters at the Farmers Market
About a month ago, I finally decided to purchase one of these beautiful scarfs (which are pretty expensive-but worth every penny) and as one of the sisters was wrapping up my purchase she said "Make sure you come back and let us know what kind of Goddess stories you encounter".
Well, I brought my purchase home, showed Jim and he said it was "Nice" (guys don't appreciate hand painted silk scarves like woman do) and then I put the scarf on my dining room table. The next morning I woke up and I was looking out the window to the back yard and I see something laying on the ground that was very colorful! OMG!!! I shouted and ran outside (in my PJ's) and there was my poor Goddess Scarf laying in a big heap.
Bohdan had taken it off the table and I'm not sure which dog did it but one of them ended up chewing off the top part of my scarf. The poor poor Goddess, she didnt even have a chance to adorn my neck before being chewed up!
When I was at the market last Saturday, I stopped by the Memory Sisters booth and told them my story. "A terrible tragedy" they said with a twinkle in their eyes and I could tell they were trying really hard not to laugh. They did chuckle though. One of the sisters said they could make me a commemorative scarf by hand painting the tragic scene onto a new scarf. I might just have to have them do that and have Jim get it for me for Christmas!!! LOL
Enjoy the pictures!
Signing off: Goddess Anita
Boise City Farmers Market
Anyways, we had a lot of fun. Tasting the samples, drinking a little wine, watching the shows and of course people watching. There are a lot of interesting people out there.
Signing off: Farmer Anita
Saturday, September 27, 2008
My Family Will Appreciate This Story!

CEDAR RAPIDS, Iowa — It wasn't just the caffeine that gave an Iowa woman an extra jolt after she had her morning coffee. It was also the bat she found in the filter.
The Iowa Department of Public Health says the woman reported a bat in her house but wasn't too worried about it. She turned on her automatic coffee maker before bedtime and drank her coffee the next morning.
She discovered the bat in the filter when she went to clean it that night. The woman has undergone treatment for possible rabies.
Health officials say that the bat was sent to a lab but that its brain was too cooked by the hot water to determine whether it had rabies. (From the Associated Press)

Paul Newman, the legendary actor whose steely-blue eyes, good-humored charm and advocacy of worthy causes made him one of the most renowned figures in American arts, has died, his spokeswoman told CNN today. Newman was 83. He died of cancer Friday at his home in Westport, Connecticut, said spokeswoman Marni Tomljanovic
Friday, September 26, 2008
I however, was able to make her touch one that was in the pet store at the mall. She touched it for about 2 seconds but it was enough for me to snap a picture and thus make history in the Orlovich Family!
Signing off: Anita the Snake Charmer
Here are some more pictures of little Rambo. He has a new shirt that has a skeleton dog that says "Bad To The Bone" on it and he looks just too cute!
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Maxine: My Favorite Old Lady

Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Tuesday, September 23, 2008

I went today and paid my tuition for Real Estate School. I start on Oct 6th and the classes are from 8am-6pm for two weeks. I am really excited but I am a little apprehensive about the math part. Math is not one of my best subjects but hopefully it won't knock me for a loop and I will be able to handle it! (Keep your fingers crossed).
Signing off: Anita-Want to buy a house?
Saturday, September 20, 2008

This is exactly how I felt last night (except I was laying in bed reading my book instead of in the kitchen)!
This big huge fly kept buzzing by me and then dive bombing me. It would perch itself on my window ledge (the tall one) and then just stare at me and the dogs. Then it would do a "fly by" (no pun intended) and you could feel and hear it's BUZZZZ BUZZZZ BUZZZ and then it would come back around and do a dive bomb!
I tried swatting at it but I think it was laughing at me. Wally tried to catch it and eat it, but it just squirted itself with steak sause and said to Wally "Nice try Fat Boy" "You'll never catch me"! Bohdan just slept through the whole thing.
I finally turned the light off and went to sleep because it was so distracting I kept losing my place in my book. But needless to say, I slept with my head under the covers. Who wants to wake up to a mouthful of fly!
Signing off: Anita-who is buzzed off
Well the new neighbors also have a dog (Sadie, a cute Chow/Shepherd mix) and when ever she comes out or comes over to the fense, Bohdan and Sadie have a barking match. Of course Bohdan's bark can be heard all the way to the moon (but more importantly-the HOA Presidents house).
We had to do something drastic, THE BARK COLLAR! It works when in use. Bohdan has just learned that whenever he wears the collar he shouldn't bark, however when the collar is off, its free reign! Grrrrrrrrrr
Friday, September 19, 2008
This comes from one of my favorite blogs: Cake Wrecks http://cakewrecks.blogspot.com/
I've recently been accused of hatin' on the cupcake cakes. Alright, you got me: I guess I can't hide the truth any longer, and it's time for me to come clean. [sigh] Ok, here goes:Hi, my name is Jen, and I hate cupcake cakes.Why? 'Cuz they're ugly.Don't believe me? Keep reading.For Shara's birthday her son asked the baker to make a "happy monkey cake" ala Curious George. Now, as a reminder for those of us who haven't watched Saturday morning cartoons in a while, here's what Curious George looks like:
And here's what Shara got for her birthday cake:
Thursday, September 18, 2008


Wednesday, September 17, 2008

There was an interesting article in the "Idaho Statesman" today about the annual Halloween Corn Maize. Every year a farmer has their corn field artisticlly designed into a maize and then charges an entrance fee and WA-LA they make a little money. I would almost bet the farmer makes more money doing the maize then just selling his corn outright. (As long as the weather holds out that is). Here is the "Idaho Statesman's" article. Owned by Kuna residents Jim and Hillary Lowe, the 10-foot-high MAiZE has been designed this year in the likeness of presidential candidates Barack Obama and John McCain, with the caption, "Left or Right?
I'm afraid I will not be going. I have been in a maize once (over in England) and I NEVER would have found my way out if the people on top of the hill finally took pity on me and gave me the directions out. I will have to find those pictures and post those...that was a pretty fun trip!
Signing off: Cornhusker Anita
Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Tyler is Julie and Chris's oldest. And he is the oldest nephew on my side of the family! He is 16 and he now has his drivers license. Holy Moly has time gone by fast! Tyler is extremely passionate about sports. His two games are Hockey and Baseball. He does very well in both sports and has been been on the traveling teams for both sports for quite a few years as well as the regular seasons. He also LOVES to play poker. (I know he gets that from his mom because she also LOVES to gamble)! I just want to tell Tyler, be careful driving because you are irreplaceable!

Sunday, September 14, 2008
PS-Do you see the blue hair. WHAT A WILD CHILD!! lol
As soon as I get some more pictures I will make a little slideshow of Nicole.
Signing off: Anita
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Friday, September 12, 2008

Since Jim and I do not have kids, I am going to tell you a little bit about my nieces and nephews. I will start with my youngest brother who now reside in Arizona. Brian and Amy have 3 kids........
The oldest is Abby (or Abigail Grace) and she is almost 11 years old and in the 5th grade. I know how parents brag about their kids being smart, but she really truely is smart. I think they call them "Gifted Children". She also can act and she sings like an angel and has been in school plays and also professional productions. She also loves horses and takes horse back riding lessons.
The middle child is Caleb and he is 8 years old and in the second grade. He is a Brian "Mini Me". He is all boy! He is really interested in guns and hunting. Whenever I go visit we ALWAYS have to go to Cabelas. The land of mecca for the hunting crowd. He is also a very good artist. He loves to draw. Whenever Calab visits, him and I always have to watch "Willow" because we both love the trolls and dragons and the little brownies!
The youngest is Elly (or Elizabeth May) and she is 4 years old and in pre school. This little cutie patootie loves going to school. It's the highlight of her day. She is also the most girly-girl I have ever seen in my life! She has almost every Disney Princess Dress and of course all the shoes and tiaras and wands that go with them. She also has more energy then the Hoover Dam!
The fourth child is their new dog RJ the Mastiff/Boxer mix. He is all muscle and loves to cuddle. Him and Elly fight like cats and dogs sometimes, but all the kids just love him and I know he is very protective of his family.
Signing off: Anita: Tomorrow the next set of kids
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
"I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."
Signing off: Anita

Jose and Carlos are Panhandlers......
- They panhandle in different areas of town.
- Carlos panhandles just as long as Jose but only collects 2 to 3 dollars every day.
- Jose brings home a suitcase FULL of $10 bills, drives a Mercedes, lives in a mortgage free house and has a lot of money to spend.
- Carlos says to Jose, 'I work just as long and hard as you do, but how do you bring home a suitcase full of $10 bills every day?
- Jose replies 'Look at your sign. What does it say'? Carlos' sign reads, 'I have no work, a wife and kids to support." Jose says, "No wonder you only get $2-3 dollars a day."
- Carlos replies..."So what does your sign say." Jose shows Carlos his sign...
- It reads, "' I only need another $10.00 to move back to Mexico
Adios: Anita
This is our nephew Matt Proctor. He is serving in the Marines and is stationed in Twenty Nine Palms. Matt lived with us in his Junior Year in High School and we always knew he would do well and we are very proud of him! Stay safe Matt!!!!!
This is our nephew Ryan (Thats Jim's brother and Sister-In-Law Jane also). He is serving in the Navy and he looks quite handsome in his uniform! Stay safe Ryan!!!!
Our newphew Adam just enlisted in the Marines and starts Bootcamp this week. Here is a little story that Jane (and mother of these fine young men) emailed us the other day:
While we were all at dinner Friday night, an anonymous patron paid for our meal because Matt was in uniform, and they wanted to thank Matt for serving our great Country. And yes our country is great. Democrat or Republican, and the next time you see someone in a Military uniform, please give them the same respect and thanks that strangers have shown MY boys.(yes I'm crying again) Please keep them in your prayers. Love Jane
I know I speak for all of my family as well as all my blogger friends: We will most definately keep the boys in our prayers!!
Signing off: Anita
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
My friend Kim J. sent this to me the other day and I just had to share it with you. Apparently this is the latest thing. To paint your cat. It can cost anywhere from $15,000 up to $60,000 a treatment. Most have to be redone every three months once the cats hair starts to grow out. What people will do for attention! LOL
Signing off: Anita
Monday, September 8, 2008

Signing off: Anita

Friday, September 5, 2008

4-6 Strawberries (cut small)
3 lime wedges
6 mint sprigs
1 packet of Splenda
White rum
Cranberry juice
Pineapple juice
Lime juice
Club soda
In a tall glass or cup, muddle/crush/mash all fruit and mint leaves well (add more or less fruit and splenda according to taste).Add splenda and top it all with ice. Fill about 1/3 with rum, 1/3 club and 1/3 a combination of the cranberry and pineapple, and a splash of lime juice.Shake well and serve. Garnish it with a lime and enjoy!
Thursday, September 4, 2008
at a fancy NYC party.

Signing off: Anita